Below you will find a series of handouts that help to explain various aspects of the Office of Conservation Investment.

2022 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife-Associated Recreation
The National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation (Survey) has been conducted since 1955 and is one of the oldest and most comprehensive continuing recreation surveys. The survey collects information on the number of anglers, hunters, and wildlife watchers, how often they participate, and how much they spend on their activities in the United States.

Target Range Development and Operations
A 6-page graphical handout that summarizes current WR-supported ranges, new grants proposed since 2019’s Target Practice and Marksmanship Training Support Act, and links to resources for range funding and development. Last updated February 2025.

A REEL SUCCESS: Sport Fish Restoration Celebrates its 75th Year
A one-page resource celebrating the Sport Fish Restoration Act turning 75 this year. It is a cornerstone of America’s conservation heritage — and a promise for its future. This landmark legislation has ensured that the fish we catch and the waters we cherish stay healthy, sustainable, and accessible to everyone. Last updated November 2024.

Clean Water and Boating Access: Benefits of the Sport Fish Restoration Act (SFR)
A one-page resource highlighting the critical role of the Sport Fish Restoration Act (SFR) in supporting clean water initiatives and improving boating access. Discover how programs like CVA and BIG fund essential infrastructure, reduce environmental pollution, and enhance recreational boating experiences across the United States. Last updated January 2025.

Bullet Points: Trends in Ammunition Purchases
A 1-page flyer showing trends in ammunition purchases with data collected from the 2022 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife Associated Recreation.

Items Taxed to Support Wildlife & Sport Fish Restoration Funding in the United States
A 20-page illustrative document detailing the specifics of the federal excise taxes that fund the Wildlife Restoration and Sport Fish Restoration programs. Last updated March 2025.

The Power of R3
A 2-page flyer highlighting how the nationwide R3 initiative has been supported by federal excise taxes paid by manufacturers of firearms, ammunition, archery and fishing equipment, and a portion of the motorboat fuel tax via the Pittman-Robertson Act and the Dingell-Johnson Act. These funds are used to develop and promote opportunities for angling, boating, hunting, targeting shooting, and other outdoor pursuits. Last Updated July 2024.

Wildlife Management Areas
Across the United States, Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) and State Game Lands provide areas of habitat protection and public access for the opportunity to connect with nature, make memories, and share outdoor experiences. These public lands are operated and maintained by funding from federal excise taxes paid by manufacturers of sporting arms, ammunitions, archery equipment, and fishing gear as well as state hunting and fishing licenses, permits, and stamp revenues paid by hunters, trappers, and anglers. Last updated December 2023.

50 Years of Wild Turkey Restoration
A 2-page flyer showing how wild turkey populations have increased from 1.1 million to over 6 million between 1973 to 2023 due to Wildlife Restoration funds derived from federal excise taxes used by manufacturers of firearms, ammunition, and archery equipment. Last updated December 2023.

Wildlife Health and Disease Management
A 1-page flyer showing how federal excise taxes paid by manufacturers and importers of firearms, ammunition, archery, and angling equipment via Pittman-Robertson and Dingell-Johnson fund wildlife and fish health research laboratories, support health monitoring field work, and disease surveillance. Last updated December 2023

Aiming High
A 1-page flyer showing how firearms and ammunition manufacturers boost our country’s conservation efforts through federal excise taxes on firearms and ammunition established in 1937 by the Pittman-Robertson Act. Last updated February 2025.

A Rising Tide
A 1-page flyer showing how angling and boating manufacturers boost our country’s conservation efforts through federal excise taxes on fishing and boating equipment established in 1950 by the Dingell-Johnson Act. Last updated August 2023.

The Full Reach of Pittman-Robertson Funding in the United States
A 1-page flyer illustrating the benefits of Pittman-Robertson funding sources across several major categories in the United States. Last updated December 2023

Public Opportunities
A 4-page handout highlighting recent R3 efforts for hunting and fishing throughout the United States funded by multi-state conservation grants as well as state wildlife and sport fish grants. Last updated January 2024

Sport Fish Conservation by the Numbers
A 2-page flyer showing how federal excise taxes paid by fishing and boating manufacturers help many State fish & wildlife agencies conserve and manage sport fish. Last updated August 2024.

Boating and Fishing Access and Hatcheries
A 2-page flyer showing how federal excise taxes paid by fishing and boating manufacturers benefit sport fish and the people who depend on them, from public access, boat ramps and aquatic education to fish stocking and hatcheries. Last updated December 2023

Wild Turkey Population Restoration
A 1-page fact sheet showing how federal excise taxes paid by firearms, archery and ammunition manufacturers helped restore wild turkey populations across the country, using New York State as an example.

You make our Great Outdoors even better
A 2-page flyer depicting the community benefits that you contribute to when you spend time outdoors. Through the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program, state agencies are able to invest in research, education, access, and conserving species through federal excise taxes on certain equipment

Here's how your funds work for you
A 1-page flyer depicting the wide reach and variety of Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration funding derived from the federal excise taxes in the Pittman-Robertson and Dingell-Johnson Acts.

Celebrating the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program
An 88-page booklet created by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 2012, on the 75th anniversary of the Pittman-Robertson Act, to reflect on “75 years of Conservation and Partnership Success.”
For more detail on specific grant programs and policies, you can visit the program’s national homepage at Office of Conservation Investment | U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (