Sport Fish Restoration at 75
Sport Fish Restoration is . . .

As we commemorate this significant milestone—75 years—we honor the vital contributions of everyone involved—the workers building rods and lures; the fisheries biologist hauling in nets and collecting data; and the accountants who ensure fiscal fidelity. Sport Fish Restoration stands as a testament to the effectiveness of these collaborations in restoring and preserving our fisheries for the enjoyment of all. Join us in celebrating the power of community-driven conservation that has shaped the legacy of the Sport Fish Restoration.
Sport Fish Restoration Funding
The Cornerstone of Partnerships: Helping our Angling and Boating Resources Thrive
Through the Sport Fish Restoration Act, manufacturers of fishing equipment play a pivotal role in the American System of Conservation Funding. The manufacturers that pay a federal excise tax on their goods, coupled with motorboat fuel taxes, fund the conservation work of state fish and wildlife agencies, supporting healthy fisheries, habitat management, clean water, boater safety, and public boating and fishing access.
Check out more videos about Sport Fish Restoration below:

A REEL SUCCESS: Sport Fish Restoration Celebrates its 75th Year
A one-page resource celebrating the Sport Fish Restoration Act turning 75. It is a cornerstone of America’s conservation heritage — and a promise for its future. This landmark legislation has ensured that the fish we catch and the waters we cherish stay healthy, sustainable, and accessible to everyone.

Clean Water and Boating Access: Benefits of the Sport Fish Restoration Act (SFR)
A one-page resource highlighting the critical role of the Sport Fish Restoration Act in supporting clean water efforts and improving boating access. Discover how programs like Boating Infrastructure Grants and Clean Vessel Act fund essential infrastructure, reduce environmental pollution, and enhance recreational boating experiences across the United States.
In The News...

Angling, Archery, Firearms & Ammunition, R3

Angling, Management, Marine Manufacturing
