
SFR-funded boating facilities at Smith Lake Park in Alabama.

Management, Marine Manufacturing

June 25, 2021
How Sport Fish Restoration funds support public fishing and boating across the state.
Delaware Bay, New Jersey, Usa

Angling, Archery, Firearms & Ammunition, Management, Marine Manufacturing

June 21, 2021
Industry excise taxes fund a broad range of conservation and recreation opportunities in an urban state.
Courtesy Fwc01


June 11, 2021
With many new efforts focused on recruitment, retention, and reactivation (R3) and new initiatives being implemented, evaluations to find out which ones work are critically important. 
An ODWC biologist holds up a pair of smallmouth bass.


March 31, 2021
Sport Fish Restoration-funded research reveals new way to predict smallmouth age
Pronghorn antelope at a water catchment in the desert


March 10, 2021
Wildlife Restoration funding supports pronghorn and many other species through water provisioning.
An artificial reef made of a retired ship sinking into the ocean


March 4, 2021
Excise taxes on fishing equipment and motorboat fuel fund new fish habitat through Sport Fish Restoration grants.
Aerial view of Corpus Christi Marina

Management, Marine Manufacturing

February 1, 2021
Boaters and anglers from around the world come to the Texas Gulf Coast to enjoy a top-notch marina for boats big and little.
Bass getting its fins clipped


February 1, 2021
Excise taxes paid by fishing tackle manufacturers fund exciting new research, from The Fishing Wire.
Group of youth archers in a school gymnasium


January 25, 2021
How excise taxes paid by manufacturers and importers help grow the number of archers, from Archery Business.
A fawn with a radio collar

Archery, Management

January 18, 2021
Across the country Wildlife Restoration funds from industry excise taxes work to help keep deer healthy and on the landscape, from Archery Business.
Aaron Ohrn shows off a female Walleye


December 21, 2020
Marking and recapturing fish is an essential management technique funded by excise taxes through the Sport Fish Restoration Act, from Fishing Tackle Retailer.
Person examining bear paw and the Fish and Wildlife Service Logo

Archery, Firearms & Ammunition, Management, R3

October 23, 2020
Thompson/Center goes in the field with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and MassWildlife to see excise tax funding in action.