
MassWildlife biologists banding a mallard


January 12, 2022
The story of ducks, geese and swans is a story that involves a lot of people. More than 45 million birders and more than 2.3 million migratory bird hunters engage with wild birds each year in America.
man bowhunting from a treestand

Archery, R3

December 14, 2021
There’s no doubt ATA members are crucial in the status and success of the industry. Not only do members make products, sell products and work with customers, but they also fund state agency projects that benefit wildlife, wild places and the outdoor community.
A turkey hunter placing a decoy in the woods

Firearms & Ammunition, Management, R3

November 22, 2021
Like many other states, New York’s turkey restoration efforts were funded in large part through the Pittman-Robertson Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Fund.
Nssf Pwap

Angling, Archery, Firearms & Ammunition, Marine Manufacturing

November 17, 2021
NSSF, the trade association for the firearm industry, has announced an initiative designed to strengthen ties between all excise tax-paying manufacturers
A young angler holding a catfish in Louisiana

Angling, Education, Management, R3

October 8, 2021
State agencies use SFR funding to attract new anglers as well as to help keep current or lapsed anglers fishing.
Two people fishing from shore


September 23, 2021
A tribute to the remarkable outcomes of the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Acts
Katie Zipfel Wvdnr 2


September 3, 2021
State biologists take advantage of cutting-edge technology and other resources to better understand and manage fisheries
Dusky grouse and shotgun

Archery, Firearms & Ammunition, Management

August 30, 2021
Wildlife Restoration funds help reveal the winter habits of dusky grouse.
Dsk521 020.jpg | Nasp Tournament

Archery, Firearms & Ammunition, R3

August 5, 2021
The shooting sports industry and their partners in state wildlife agencies are working hard to create opportunities for new shooters.
Green Pond boating access in South Carolina

Angling, Management, Marine Manufacturing

July 13, 2021
A look at three boating access sites shows how Sport Fish Restoration funds help get people on the water every day.
A target shooter at a 4H rifle competition


July 7, 2021
The Summer Olympics shine a spotlight on the growing popularity of archery and firearm target shooting, activities which benefit the conservation of wildlife in a big way.
Archery targets in the adult portion of the Saratoga range.

Archery, R3

July 1, 2021
The Wildlife Restoration-funded archery range is the first of its kind managed by New York State.