
July 13, 2022
The same source of conservation funding—excise taxes paid by tackle manufacturers via the Sport Fish Restoration Act—that pays for scientific fisheries research and management, boat ramps, aquatic education, and fish population surveys has righted an upside down trout stream.

Management, Research
June 20, 2022
To get a more accurate count of the state’s moose population, researchers, along with state officials, will use drones and trail cams as part of a new moose surveillance program, which started last week and will continue for three years.

June 17, 2022
The lesser prairie-chicken is a prairie grouse found in New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Kansas, and Oklahoma. Today, the population in southeastern Colorado is rebounding thanks to a conservation partnership between Colorado and Kansas stakeholders and funding support through the State Wildlife Grant Program.

June 16, 2022
Each June marks both National Fishing and Boating Week and Great Outdoors Month. Like many other outdoor recreation activities, boating ownership has increased in recent years giving the boating industry many reasons to celebrate.

Archery, R3
June 7, 2022
"I spent some time in Charleston over this past weekend. I know, crazy. I was there for client work – a kids camp that I’ll tell you more about later. I was amazed at the work they are doing in wildlife conservation and many don’t know it exists." -Michelle Scheuermann

May 19, 2022
Funds from the State Wildlife Grant Program (SWG) are used by state and U.S. territory fish and wildlife agencies to develop and implement programs that benefit wildlife and their habitats. Grant funds support a variety of conservation needs including research, species restoration, and habitat management.

Angling, R3
May 18, 2022
April can be a cruel time of year in northern-tier states; it’s not quite spring, not quite winter. But it brings with it opening day of fishing seasons.

Firearms & Ammunition
April 19, 2022
In a recent CBS Saturday Morning News segment U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Director Williams discussed the important conservation work funded through the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program (WSFR).

Angling, Archery, Firearms & Ammunition, Marine Manufacturing
April 14, 2022
Pittman-Robertson and Dingell-Johnson run in the American grain. The past is only prolog. There is more to be done as spelled out in state wildlife action plans, and I appreciate the attention Congress has given this issue through their consideration of Recovering America’s Wildlife Act. The future is ours to make.

Firearms & Ammunition
March 18, 2022
"Holding a bear cub, close to the chest inside my jacket, was certainly an opportunity of a lifetime that most will never experience. My NSSF colleagues and I will be forever grateful for this opportunity." -Trevor W. Santos

March 7, 2022
The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) Commission at their March meeting passed a resolution to purchase the property from the South Dakota Parks and Wildlife Foundation (PWF) for the South Dakota Shooting Sports Complex.

February 1, 2022
Wildlife Restoration Act grants are funded by excise taxes on firearms, ammunition, and archery equipment, and provide a significant portion of funds to state fish and wildlife agencies for land conservation efforts.