
Darrell Pace standing on the Olympic Podium after winning a gold medal

Archery, R3

July 29, 2024
“It started with a coupon,” Darrell Pace told me via a telephone interview from his home in Hamilton, Ohio. “It was a buy an hour, get one-hour free teaser to shoot a bow. I had BB guns and liked to target-shoot, so I thought I would try it out.”
Recurve bow archers line up and aim at targets during the 2024 Arizona Cup.

Archery, R3

July 24, 2024
To select the U.S. archers for the 2024 Olympic Games, athletes are chosen based on their performance at specific Olympic Trial Qualification events. These trials, known as stages, take place around the country with six Olympic stages and three Paralympic stages. Stages for both Olympic and Paralympic qualification take place at the Arizona Cup hosted at the Ben Avery Shooting Facility in Phoenix, Arizona.
Shoal bass being held above the water


June 12, 2024
Form follows function for a fusiform shoal bass, and its common and scientific name are most fitting. This little-known member of the black bass family, kin to the familiar largemouth bass and smallmouth bass, is found only in Georgia, Florida, and a small segment of Alabama in the Apalachicola River basin.  Scientists know it as Micropterus cataractae and that says it all.  It’s a bass most at home in the eddies around frothy falling rocky rapids, or shoals. 
Mom and daughter fishing on a boat

Management, Marine Manufacturing

June 10, 2024
For more than half a century, America’s fishing equipment manufacturers have shared a partnership with state and federal biologists through the Dingell-Johnson Act — a partnership that uses excise tax to fund remarkable fisheries conservation and recreation.
Usfws Aerial View Safe Harbor Charleston City Marina

Management, Marine Manufacturing

June 6, 2024
Boating offers a gateway to the outdoors, adventure, and a unique way to travel. The United States contains over 90,000 miles of coastline, over three million lakes, and over 3 million miles of rivers offering plenty of opportunities to spend time on the water making memories.
Georgia shoal bass make happy anglers

Angling, Marine Manufacturing, R3

May 30, 2024
National Fishing and Boating Week is a time to remember the sources of conservation funding.


May 15, 2024
Found only in North America, fishers live in forested and semi-forested areas in Canada and the northern United States. Today, thanks to conservation efforts, research, and regulated harvest, fisher populations are sustainably managed by state fish and wildlife agencies.
A horde of volunteers and CT DEEP biologists collect wild brown trout for spawning in the Farmington River.

Angling, Management

May 10, 2024
Excise taxes paid by fishing tackle manufacturers and a tax on motorboat fuel yield reliable and steady funding for the state agency fish biologists to research and manage the fishery.
White Bass and Sauger

Angling, Management

May 8, 2024
Sport Fish Restoration dollars fund creel surveys, in-person interviews of anglers, that yield information to better manage fisheries.
Wildlife biologist, Jamie Utz, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, stands over beavers soon to be released in Idaho’s rural Treasure Valley.


April 8, 2024
All the wonders of nature are wrapped up in a 40-pound densely furred, oily creature with orange ferrous-infused teeth, webbed feet, and a scaled leathery tail. The American beaver possesses a fascinating way of life, always centered around water and a multi-aged family unit, always busy building dams and keeping up a lodge that houses them year-round.
Deer use wildlife overpass to cross highway 21 in Idaho near Boise.


March 15, 2024
The Cervidae Peak Wildlife Overpass in Boise, Idaho, aims to reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions by providing safe passage for migrating mule deer and elk across State Highway 21.
Colleen Olfenbuttel Measuring Bear Cub

Management, Research

February 26, 2024
In these first beautiful days of winter, something splendid transpires in nature. Black bears are well into their long hibernation, having stocked up the fat stores to get through the cold months.