Marine Manufacturers and Conservation
Creating new opportunities for boating and fishing nationwide
For decades, America’s marine manufacturers have shared a partnership with state and federal biologists through the Dingell-Johnson Act — a partnership that funds remarkable conservation success stories and improves boating at the same time.
This partnership would be impossible without you, the craftspeople and business owners who help fund the Sport Fish Restoration grants. Our Partner with a Payer initiative invites you to join us to see how your success protects clean water, conserves healthy fisheries, and creates new opportunities for boating and fishing nationwide.

Restoring fisheries
Biologists study, monitor and manage more than 200 species of fish with federal excise tax funds, like the many grants used for black bass conservation. Once called “the most abused of all American game fish,” the largemouth and smallmouth bass fishery is now one of America’s finest.

Increasing boating access
In the past eight years, 319 new fishing and boating access sites have been constructed with federal excise tax funds. In total, more than 8900 public boating and fishing areas are maintained by Sport Fish Restoration funds.

Welcoming new boaters
Every three years, over 1 million people receive aquatic education supported by federal excise tax funds, like the hundreds of students that go through the Florida Conservation Commission’s fishing and boating camps each year.

Building boating facilities
Each year, states build, renovate and maintain boat slips, boat ramps, pump-out stations, waste reception facilities and other boating infrastructure using federal excise tax funds, like the Corpus Christi Municipal Marina in Texas, a boating hub modernized for the 21st century.
Waterways for All
Improving and Expanding Public Fishing & Boating Access
Did you know? Clean water, healthy fisheries, and public access to recreational boating opportunities is made possible by the Sport Fish Restoration Program. Funded through manufacturers, the program uniquely benefits all parties — conservationists, fishermen, and the industry.
Partner with a Payer: Angling
Sport Fish Restoration Successes
Partner with a Payer strengthens the ties between the people who make a successful conservation partnership work — the manufacturers that pay federal excise tax through the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Acts, the state agencies that conserve wildlife and habitat across the country, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Office of Conservation Investment.
Did you know?
Sport Fish Restoration, Clean Vessel Act and Boating Infrastructure grants use federal excise taxes to ensure abundant fish and clean water, increase boating access to millions of acres of fresh and salt water, and welcome new people into the industry through education — a productive trifecta that ultimately benefits manufacturers.
In The News

Marine Manufacturing, R3

Angling, Management, Marine Manufacturing

Management, Marine Manufacturing