This is the subheading
Aquatic Education
Over 850,000 people receive aquatic education supported by excise taxes in the United States
Hunter Education
Over 1 million people receive hunter education supported by excise taxes in the United States
Additional Workshops
In the United States, 38 states offer Becoming an Outdoors Woman (BOW) workshops
In the News

An Introduction to Target Shooting in the United States
Thanks to a change in data collection methodology new to the 2022 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife Associated Recreation, we can dive into data on target shooters for the first time since the Survey started in 1955. The hot off the press addendum, Target Shooting in the United States, reports that 47 million firearms and 19 million archery target shooters aged six and older fired or flung projectiles in 2021. You’ll notice that both of those numbers make the hunting population look small. Shooting sports are alive and well, and there are some particularly interesting insights when it comes to youth.

Big-Game Hunting is a Healthy Flywheel in an Economic Engine
Fishing, boating, birding, and hunting in the United States, each by themselves, are an economic powerhouse for the American people. All these outdoor pursuits are enjoyed by millions over a broad range of household incomes and ages and other demographic characteristics.

Enduring Patterns–Migrations and Hunter Harvests
Food is not a byproduct of hunting—it is the essence—locally sourced free-range protein that has never touched Styrofoam.

First Motorized Boating Addendum Report Records Public Participation Across U.S.
Motorized boating is a popular American outdoor pastime, an economic force, and funds conservation efforts across the Nation. To capture metrics on the time spent outdoors along with the economic impacts of recreational boating, the 2022 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation included motorized boating survey questions for the first time in the Survey’s 67-year history.

Pittman-Robertson Put Wild Turkey Back on the Thanksgiving Table
Turkey and Thanksgiving have gone hand in hand since colonial times, right? Not exactly. The decimation of wildlife followed by the restoration and return to huntable populations is no more evident than it is with wild turkeys

Birding Proves to be Good for the American Economy
A robust number of birders exist in the United States. An addendum to the 2022 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation (Survey) reveals that a great number of people take part in birding, be it at home or beyond their residence.