Firearms & Ammunition

Firearms & Ammunition

Conservation Fosters Hunting and the Shooting Sports

For almost a century, America’s firearms and ammunition manufacturers have shared a partnership with state and federal biologists through the Pittman-Robertson Act — a partnership that funds remarkable conservation success stories across America and fosters hunting and the shooting sports at the same time.

This partnership would be impossible without you, the craftspeople and business owners who help fund the Wildlife Restoration grants. Our Partner with a Payer initiative invites you to join us and see how your success keeps our country’s wild landscape open for all and sustains our robust tradition of outdoor stewardship.

Wildlife Restoration funding benefits hunters and the public
In 1937, a coalition of firearms and ammunition manufacturers, seeing the crisis facing American wildlife, helped pass the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act. Since then, federal excise taxes on firearms and ammunition have been one of America’s most effective tools for conservation.
Biologist with a bear cub

Restoring wildlife

Biologists study, monitor and manage 500 species of mammals and birds using federal excise taxes, like the many grants used to study and restore black bears — including more than 87 bear projects in 17 states since 2017.

Three people aiming rifles under supervision of an instructor at a target range

Supporting shooting facilities

Today, over 800 shooting ranges have been designed, constructed, renovated or opened to the public using federal excise taxes, like Arizona’s Ben Avery shooting complex, the largest of its kind in the United States.

A child firing a shotgun under supervision from a Vermont game warden

Welcoming new shooters

Every year, over 1 million people receive hunter education supported by federal excise taxes, like at Vermont’s Green Mountain Conservation Camp, where children learn to shoot alongside many other outdoor skills.

A stream in Kentucky

Conserving public land

More than 36 million acres are maintained for public access or habitat management with federal excise taxes, like Kentucky’s 2,900 acre Rockcastle River Wildlife Management Area, acquired in 2016 and now open to the public.

Did You Know?

Wildlife Restoration grants use federal excise taxes to ensure abundant wildlife, increase hunter access to millions of acres of wildlife habitat, and welcome new people into the shooting sports through education — a productive trifecta that ultimately benefits manufacturers.

Bighorn Sheep Population

Federal excise taxes provide the opportunity to observe population management

This important work is done for the health and preservation of the Bighorn sheep population, as well as many other species – in return providing enjoyment for both hunters and non-hunters alike.

Partner with a Payer: Hunting

Wildlife Restoration Successes

Partner with a Payer strengthens the ties between the people who make a successful conservation partnership work — the manufacturers that pay federal excise tax through the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Acts, the state agencies that conserve wildlife and habitat across the country, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Office of Conservation Investment.

Funding for Partner With A Payer

Your tax dollars at work
The Wildlife Restoration Act authorizes an 11 percent federal excise tax on sporting arms, ammunition and archery equipment, and a 10 percent tax on handguns. The tax is paid by the manufacturer of these goods. These funds are made available to states each year and disbursed through grants that are reviewed by federal Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration biologists. State fish and wildlife agencies must provide at least 25 percent of the grant project’s costs.

In The News


Archery, Firearms & Ammunition

March 11, 2025
Thanks to a change in data collection methodology new to the 2022 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife Associated Recreation, we can dive into data on target shooters for the first time since the Survey started in 1955. The hot off the press addendum, Target Shooting in the United States, reports that 47 million firearms and 19 million archery target shooters aged six and older fired or flung projectiles in 2021. You’ll notice that both of those numbers make the hunting population look small. Shooting sports are alive and well, and there are some particularly interesting insights when it comes to youth.
Usfw Or Big Game Firearm 15 (r3 Clearinghouse)

Archery, Firearms & Ammunition

February 20, 2025
Fishing, boating, birding, and hunting in the United States, each by themselves, are an economic powerhouse for the American people. All these outdoor pursuits are enjoyed by millions over a broad range of household incomes and ages and other demographic characteristics.
Waterfowl Hunters Scan The Sky For Ducks And Geese Photo Neafwa

Archery, Firearms & Ammunition, Management

January 14, 2025
Food is not a byproduct of hunting—it is the essence—locally sourced free-range protein that has never touched Styrofoam.
Agencies and industry working together for conservation